How To Make The Most Out of Nutrition Coaching

You’ve probably seen stuff on social media about the nutrition program and the benefits of doing nutrition coaching. 

You may be motivated to participate in nutrition coaching to lose weight, gain confidence, improve performance, or to decrease your risk of developing chronic diseases. 

Whatever your WHY… HOW can you get the most out of your nutrition coaching experience? As you contemplate getting started with nutrition coaching, here’s a list of the top 10 ways you can get the most out of your nutrition coaching experience:

  1. Sign up for a long term approach – be ready to commit to at least 3 months of improving your nutrition from the beginning and roll into a wellness membership for accountability to really learn healthy habits.
  2. Show up for your monthly nutrition appointments and participate in your regular virtual check-ins with your nutrition coach via the TrueCoach app. Staying connected with your coach helps you to recognize all the great things you are doing with nutrition, and to strategize other difficult areas to help you stay on track with your goals. 
  3. Be Honest. Honestly logging your food helps your nutrition coach highlight bright spots and areas for improvement. Log your food – the good, the bad and the ugly!  
  4. Enlist help from an accountability partner – your nutrition coach is not your only support person- Who’s your workout buddy that will call you up if they don’t see you at the gym? Who can support you at home or at work to keep you on track with healthy eating?
  5. Keep it simple– don’t overthink things. Putting too much emphasis on meal plans or macronutrient goals can be stressful! If you balance your plate with healthy carbs, proteins, and fats, and reduce the amount of sugar consumed, you are setting yourself up for success and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
  6. Adopt one healthy habit at a time and make this a part of your foundation to avoid the quick-fix mentality. Your nutrition coach will help you identify just a few action steps each month to help you avoid the temptation of making too many changes all at once and getting overwhelmed and burnt out.
  7. Don’t isolate. You can still have fun with friends and participate in gatherings, eat out, and be social. Your nutrition coach has many resources for you to make healthy choices while traveling, attending an event, or eating out. 
  8. Meal prep. Pick out a time each week that you can prep a couple of simple things to deal with busy times of the day. Going into the week with a plan, and ready-made meals is a great way to stay consistent with healthy eating. 
  9. Don’t stress over your food. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef and make fancy recipes. Your coach will give you some simple recipes from the website to help get you started on balancing your plate, and help give you tips for finding the whole, real foods at the grocery store. 
  10. Commit to your health. Follow us on social media and send us a DM to get started!

How To Stop Eating Too Much!

Eat when you feel hungry and stop when you feel satisfied.

Sounds easy right? Well, guess what- it isn’t and the lifestyle of today doesn’t help make it any easier. So what can you do to ensure you do this one thing? Here are a few tips to get you started.

  1. In between meals, when you think you are hungry- try to drink a full glass of water, wait 10-15 minutes and see if you are still hungry.
  2. When your stomach is growling- eat whole foods comprised of vegetables, fruits, healthy carbs, lean protein, and healthy fat.
  3. Pay attention to your food and take your time when eating. If you scarf your food down in various ways and locations- you are not mindful of your food or your body.
  4. Enjoy your food. Take your time, smell it, taste it, chew slowly.
  5. Do something between bites- but don’t prep your fork for the next bite.
  6. Have a conversation with family or friends- but try to avoid the TV
  7. Most importantly pay attention to your body and STOP EATING when you are satisfied. Eating faster and sighing are both signs that you are satisfied.

It can take time to understand your body and realize when you are hungry or satisfied, but be patient and work towards eliminating unnecessary distractions. Don’t look at eating as something difficult or a chore- change your mindset to enjoy it by slowing down!

Practice Mindful Eating

Eat when you feel hungry and stop when you feel satisfied.

Sounds easy right? Well, guess what- it isn’t and the lifestyle of today doesn’t help make it any easier. So what can you do to ensure you do this one thing? Here are a few tips to get you started.

  1. In between meals, when you think you are hungry- try to drink a full glass of water, wait 10-15 minutes and see if you are still hungry.
  2. When your stomach is growling- eat whole foods comprised of vegetables, fruits, healthy carbs, lean protein, and healthy fat.
  3. Pay attention to your food and take your time when eating. If you scarf your food down in various ways and locations- you are not mindful of your food or your body.
  4. Enjoy your food. Take your time, smell it, taste it, chew slowly.
  5. Do something between bites- but don’t prep your fork for the next bite.
  6. Have a conversation with family or friends- but try to avoid the TV
  7. Most importantly pay attention to your body and STOP EATING when you are satisfied. Eating faster and sighing are both signs that you are satisfied.

It can take time to understand your body and realize when you are hungry or satisfied, but be patient and work towards eliminating unnecessary distractions. Don’t look at eating as something difficult or a chore- change your mindset to enjoy it by slowing down!

Send us a DM through our social media pages for more nutrition tips and to schedule a FREE nutrition introduction!

Gain Accountability With Nutrition

  • The #1 guaranteed way to improve your overall health (drumroll, please) – is to find someone to be held accountable to!
  • If I had a dollar for every person who has said to me “I know what I’m supposed to be doing, I just don’t do it,” I’d be rich. VERY rich. Unfortunately, just because we know what we should be doing, doesn’t mean we magically start doing it.
  • Sometimes all we need is someone to be accountable to in order to create new habits and start building that integrity with ourselves in order to achieve our health goals.
  • One tip I’ve seen good success with is to tell someone close to you about your specific goals. This could be a spouse, parent, co-worker, gym buddy, or anybody else that you have a good relationship with. Telling someone helps keep you working hard because you don’t want to let them down. 
  • That’s also a vital role of a nutrition coach. Your nutrition coach acts as your personal cheerleader rooting you on every step of the way, they’ll be checking in with you regularly, and helping you overcome any obstacles in your way. This really can be the difference maker between reaching and sustaining your health goals – and falling short. 
  • You need to decide that you’re worth it and make the investment to get you from where you are now, to where you’ve always wanted to be. 
  • Send an email to [email protected] for more information about nutrition coaching, or send us a DM on our FB or IG page!